Tag Archives: Friday

FEF: what I’m loving.


Or – finally effing Friday.

Yes, folks, I am crawling into Friday today. And the sentiment seems to be overwhelmingly similar, whereever I look. Longest.Week.Ever.

Perhaps it is the #lakation that is taunting me (Wednesday night- Sunday!!).

Or the humidity that is effing up my running mojo.

Or the fact that as of tomorrow, I will have taught 7 b9 classes and my legs are on fi-ya. #hurtssogood!


I personally love the quickie ‘Friday Five’ ‘Things I’m loving’ ‘Friday Fun” type posts that I’ve been reading today so I’m throwing another one of these together cuz it’s what’s swirling. Go with it, shall we?

I’m loving all things subbed-with-Chobani lately. (of course, we must include a foodie ‘love’ in this post!)

Like this amazingly delish egg salad. Rather than mayo, I used plain Chobani greek yogurt. Oh Em. Gee.

Egg Salad Extraordinaire! (not even being dramatic…THAT GOOD).

I also ate Chobani as a snack this week and added a tsp of nutella in it and Oh. Em. Gee. X1000. Di-Vine. (but THESE concoctions look even better! MUST visit Christine and go to Chobani SoHo!).

I’m loving seeing what I refer to as ‘running angels’ on this week’s runs.

Given humidity is in high effect right now, several of my runs were downright brutal. Completely mental. But every time I run past these two elderly women on a certain stretch of road (they always end up about half mile from each other, they must do their morning walks at the same time or something), they always smile, wave, and say hello. And that truly makes my run improve immensely. So I have started calling them my running angels because when I see them, I stand a little taller, run a little faster and smile and wave right back. And then I’m perked up enough to finish out my run strong. #itsthelittlethings

I’m loving my sisters and my niece. As always. More than ever. 

First of all, just LOOK at that face. I just want to kiss it and snuggle! She looks so much like Jen right now, it’s ridiculous. And warms my heart every single time.

I die of cuteness overload. ❤

My sisters, well, what can I say? I had such a fun sister/niece night about a week ago with Jen and Isabel and the little moments are just the best. Her SECOND birthday is coming up (!) and I’ve already snagged the cutest outfits from Rue La La, not to mention other toys I am conniving 😉 She will be spoiled and there’s nothing more to say than that. As for Jess? Well, the more we learn about our own capabilities as barre n9ne instructors, runners, and working on that elusive thing called balance, the more we – for lack of a better term – balance each other out. More than ever, we are helping smack each other into reality when we OATT too much, fret over something that really doesn’t even need fretting over (yes, I am using the word fret, what of it?), and just trust and believe in ourselves and each other. I’m looking forward to a sister ‘date’ tonight with her and I think it will be fabulous (there will be wine involved, I mean, how could it *not?*).

M’s ability to ‘stand me.’

Given aforementioned longest.week.ever, I’ve been, shall we say, a tad bit grouchy. Yet it never ceases to amaze me how M just rolls with the (proverbial!) punches. If I bitch about socks in the corner, he shakes his head (and then puts them away), if I complain that he made a mess in the kitchen, he laughs it off (and then offers to clean, which I decline, because he just made dinner and I’m just being a brat). And when I tell him that I don’t know how he ‘stands me’ sometimes, he tells me ‘I stand you because I love you. More than anything.’

Swoon. (and I broke my rule about talking about M here, but sometimes, I just can’t help it <3).

Last, but not least, I am loving that this week is just about over. 

I know, I know, stop can’t waiting. But sometimes you just gotta give in to it and work for the weekend. And that, my friends, is exactly what I am doing. Finishing out the day and then amped for a jam packed but fabulous weekend ahead. Teaching 3 barre n9ne classes, another wedding with M (yay, I love dressing up!) and #sundayfunday of course.

Happy weekend, friends, and I hope you embrace every second just like I plan to 😉 Finally Effing Friday!!

Things I’m loving Friday…simply.

I had this whole draft post started on unexpected occurrences that happened this week and why I’m loving them.

But then.

Do you ever re-read something and think it just sounds too boring/rambly/too surfaced and scratch that? Well, that’s what I did today. Because while the things I’m loving today haven’t changed from the post I started, how I want to portray them, did.

So…things I’m loving Friday…simply.

#Fitdate with besties that care, ‘get’ me and vice versa. Fit in several of these this week – unexpectedly – with Steph and my sis, and it made each class, each run that much more fun, sweaty, and memorable.


Funday Monday fancy schmancy dinner for two…grilled salmon and the best scallops M has ever made – it was one of those Mondays we just NEEDED. Unexpected, perfect, just us, talking, enjoying.


Not unexpected at all, I realize. But. Oatmeal. I just can’t quit you. Especially with fresh berries? #drool


Teaching a butt-load of classes. Between yesterday and Monday, I will have taught 8 classes (hadn’t realized how many extras I tacked on, subbing for other instructors). It. Never. Gets. Old. #lovinglife


This man. It was kind of a strange week, I feel like we were almost ships in the night on several occasions, but then I realized how many perfect moments we had this week and I felt even more lucky to have such a man in my life, and so many opportunities to share so much of our lives together. From running, to friends, to vacations, to family, to living together. It’s a blessing and sometimes I unexpectedly realize that in simple moments like last night, over a snuggle in silence.


This week, I had SO much to look forward to. I celebrated #littlethings each day and even with that? I unexpectedly realized even more things that make me happy, that make me realize how incredibly blessed I am, and that make me want to keep doing what I’m doing, in life, in fitness, and in work. Life, my friends, is quite simply…unexpectedly good. In so many ways. Take time to count those little blessings, you’ll be amazed at what pops up sometimes.

Cheers friends, to a beautiful weekend ahead, and the perfect mix of planned/unplanned. Needed. 

On any given run (with M).

On any given run (with M) inspired by one of my best runs in quite a long time (fitting given yesterday’s post, huh?). One of those could-run-forever runs. One of those, wow-my-legs-feel-awesome runs. One of those BUNNY SIGHTING runs! (given we live in ‘squirrel-ville <–M’s technical term for it – this was a rare, beautiful, fluffy, wanna-pat-it sighting!)

On any given run (with M)…

…he’ll probably hop like a gazelle over a branch or a curb and I’ll give him the ‘show-off’ evil-eye-glare (when really, I love that he runs so happy. I need to take a page from his book!)

…he’ll stop if I need to catch my breathe, but he’ll keep me going and push me when I want him to (and sometimes, even when I don’t).

…he may blame a fart on a duck quack (note: we don’t live near any ducks…#justsayin).

…he’ll sing songs, or make up a song, like ‘running with a backpack on….oooh oooh, running with a backpack on…’ <-backpack is code for ‘gotta go to the bathroom ifyaknowwhatimean (TMI alert!)

…he’ll make me laugh when I might struggle, recite the pledge of allegiance (complete with hand over heart), or just about anything to make me laugh and focus less.

…he’ll slow down to my pace when he starts creeping past me too far (even if I have to remind him sometimes)…and sometimes, I’ll attempt to race HIM at the end of our run (he loves that. Not.)

…he’ll ‘people watch’ and start looking to the left or the right at a house or a yard or whatever it may be and get so distracted that he almost twists his ankle. True story. Happens far too frequently, and he’s definitely rolled his ankle before this way! (I swear, he’s an 8 year-old boy at heart sometimes! So curious!)

…he’ll point out the houses he wants to buy, and we’ll daydream about our yard, and our porch, and having a drink on the patio (mind you, these houses are million dollar+ homes…as if *that’s* affordable…but that’s what daydreaming is for, right?!)

…he’ll run next to me and slide his hand over my butt and pretend he’s not copping a feel, just ‘pushing me along’ (smooth move, Paco).

…he’ll always run with me. Even if he was planning to go to the gym. My ever-loyal running partner that he is.

And no matter what? He runs happy. He runs with me. He runs for me more often than not (before we met, he wasn’t a runner, more of a walk/runner). He’s bloomed into a strong, speedy, happy runner before my eyes and I truly think he’s a natural. And I’m lucky enough to have him as my running partner, and my partner in life. What could be better than that? 

Happy weekend friends, make it a good one. Cheers!

5 for Friday!

Raise your hand if you are incredibly glad it is a) Friday and b) a long weekend!! *raising hand so high, like that eager 5th grader, holding it so high, you have to hold it up with the *other* arm high, because you really want everyone to know your hand is raised wicked high*


I’m gonna keep it simple and do a little 5 for Friday action. Here you be:

  • 3 ‘fit’ things I did on my trip this week: I went on 3 strong runs, outside, by myself. And save for a few side cramps (I’m always less hydrated when I travel, just by nature of less readily accessible water. Probably my number #1 peeve when I travel!), they were good, strong runs. I wasn’t up in my head, I smiled, I looked around, my mind wandered, I smelled flowers, I heard birds, I breathed fresh air, and it was honestly the best way to kick start my day (especially yesterday, before my long trek home. Nothing worse than parking my a$$ on a plane all day and being inactive before it!). I took a barre class at a local studio I discovered on one of my visits last fall. Got a mini-barre fix but admittedly cannot wait to get back to taking and teaching classes today and this weekend!
  • 2 meals I ate: Well, let’s back up. I made good choices during all of my meals this week. Yep, all of them. People ask me how I still manage to stay on track with my ‘number’ when I travel and my answer? While I can’t be sure, most of the time, what the calories are in a particular meal (unless I can find it online and I am a pro at googling, myfitnesspal’ing and web site stalking to find it!), I can draw conclusions based on said googling or ‘like’ restaurants or meals and simply make a choice that will satisfy me – high protein, lottsa veggies, and as fresh as possible. For example, at lunch with my boss, I ordered a roasted chicken salad, which came with dates (YUM!), almonds, corn, chicken, shredded cabbage, greens and goat cheese. When it arrived, I evaluated the cheese serving – and it was perfect, just a few crumbles (given that could be a huge hidden calorie bust!) and I requested dressing on the side, and with all those yummies loaded in, I didn’t even need the dressing. Had some olives and white bean hummus that my boss ordered as an app and ya know what? I was completely satisfied all the way through that barre class I took, did not even need an afternoon snack. Go figure. My most favorite meal was the Jamba Juice apple cinnamon oatmeal I scored (thanks sis for highly recommending a la Naomi!), holy CRAP, it was so good, I honestly was blown away. SO EFFING GOOD. (Oh, and I always pack a few Dove promises as a little treat before bed (just like at home!)).
  • Coolest thing that happened while I was traveling: M bought a new car! I totally CALLED it last weekend when he just happened to mentioned being interested in a possible trade in for his SUV for a Mitsubishi Lancer and I said, ‘you’re going to pick me up at the airport in a new car, aren’t you?’ And yep, I called it. Brand new black Lancer…and he looks HOT in it, let me tell you 😉 Swoon!
  • Number 1 thing I am looking forward to this weekend: The official kick-off to summer, plain and simple. The weather is going to cooperate, and I have lots of outdoor things planned, including my sister’s bash for my brother-in-law’s birthday, the BEACH and perhaps even a day trip to Maine (game day decision!), or another picnic at the park. There’s something so euphoric about summer, isn’t there?
  • Best part about coming home from this work trip: That first hug and kiss from M. And the realization that after 3 work trips in 6 weeks, I am DONE *fingers crossed* for the time being, and my next trip…only for pleasure, at the end of June. I’ll share more details soon, but it may have to do with wine 😉

CHEERS friends, I hope you have a fabulous long weekend and spend as much time as humanly possible outside! I know I will be!!

A riff on the Friday Five!

I have a shitton of things swirling in my brain today for a post but as it’s been sort of a crazy day, and some of these aforementioned things swirling in my brain are half-baked, I thought I’d share a few musings for the day, a la a riff from the Friday Five, something I love reading from Live for the Run!

1. I think I’ve had my epiphany about what to do with my running conundrum that I wrote about earlier this week. This is one of those half-baked thoughts in my head for a post, so I’ll share more later, but I think my #1 problem is running on tired legs. I have a rejigger to my schedule next week to best accommodate for solid runs, and I’m excited to see how it goes. After this morning’s awesome run with my sis and a fellow barre n9ne instructor, Julianna, it was the proof I needed that running fresh is what I need.

2. Week 1 of full-on barre n9ne teaching is (almost) in the books! Teaching my fourth class of the week tomorrow morning and am STOKED that not only do I have double digit attendance, a couple of friends I haven’t seen in awhile are coming!! AND I have tested out a few alterations on some of my go-to moves this week with my smaller classes and I cannot wait to put it all together tomorrow. But dude…I am TIRED. Teaching 4 classes a week is no joke, I cannot imagine how aforementioned fabulous Julianna teaches oh, I think 11?! INSANITY! But awesome. I lovelovelove it. And the side benefit of really working the arms and abs is already paying off, I am noticing some changes that I do believe I dig 😉 (oh! and I spied my bio up on the web site and got all giddy, I didn’t notice before! Whee!)

3. I finally feel like my weekends are a little less gogogo – breathe – gogogo. This weekend? Just ONE thing planned, officially! After some jammed weekends of late, I am reveling in this! 30th birthday party tomorrow for one of my close friends and I cannot wait to celebrate! Other than that? Pretty wide open, and in dire need of downtime, organization time, and veg-time. Bring it on.

4. Proud sister alert: My sister Jen defends her dissertation on Monday and while I won’t be there cheering her on, I will be there in spirit. I am just so damn proud of her and all that she’s accomplished, while going through her pregnancy, her illness post-c-section, and raising a spunky, beautiful, adorable going-on-2 year old! Love you sis and am more proud than I could ever put into words. ❤

5. Is it wine-thirty yet? Seriously, long, busy, tiring and challenging week this week. I am pretty close to crying tears of joy into my wine glass tonight. Ever have one of those nights where you truly cannot wait for that sip of wine? Like whoa.

Happy weekend, friends!! Make it a good one, will ya? Cheers!