Embracing – and loving – wholesome foods, like whoa.

One of my biggest priorities in my budget spreadsheet (yes, spreadsheet…something my sister brilliantly concocted and it has truly gotten me back on track, she should patent it!) is food. And not ‘eating out’ food, but my weekly grocery shopping trip. M always teases me about the fact that I must go to the store each and every week and spend a fair chunk of money in the process. He calls me a stockpiler (I take pride in that! hehe!). My cart is chock full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lots of Chobani, cottage cheese, Laughing Cow, Baby Bell Light and lean meats and seafood. Rarely do I buy processed foods (if I get crackers, it’s for when we have company and I usually go for Kashi or another whole grain brand), or if I do, it’s for M (Doritos!) or a box of cake mix to make lowfat cupcakes (made with 1 can of pumpkin and nothing else…so tasty!)

And I don’t say this because I am bragging about how ‘good’ I eat. I say this because eating wholesome foods is so damn delicious. This IS my splurge. I look forward to my huge bowl of oatmeal in the morning (obsessed, as you know), and to concocting the perfect ‘loaded’ salad or testing out a new recipe from a fabulous blog friend or two. I feel satisfied, I feel nourished and I actually do feel like I am splurging. If you’ve ever melted some peanut butter and dipped fruit in it? Holy cow, that is GOOD.

For me, it goes back to something Tanya at barre n9ne has said – make peace with food. Enjoy it. Attach a memory to it. Enjoy the atmosphere around you, and don’t focus solely on the food itself. That makes a good meal or food choice or a splurge (a homemade chocolate chip cookie, for example), completely worth it. To eat them daily, it loses its ‘aura’ in a sense, but to go for it when you are REALLLLLLY craving it? Absolutely warranted.

I am probably rambling, but I just feel so strongly about this, because I am finding myself getting to that place where I may not feel as compelled to log my food daily. And to use ‘log-less’ days not as days to go overboard, but to test myself and what I’ve learned in the past 10 months. I feel content with what I eat. I feel happy with a good meal that is tasty and filling.

And when I wake up in the morning and get this excited for food? I call that embracing – and loving – wholesome foods like whoa. This is what I wrote on my Facebook page and I meant every word 😉

I am ridiculously excited for all of my meals today. Weird? Perhaps. But oatmeal goodness for breakfast (drool…), loaded beet salad for lunch and more of the absolutely delish warm lentil salad with goat cheese I made last night for dinner? Bliss. And yes, I just recapped my planned meals for the day. What of it?

I mean, check out these concoctions! Damn good. I am literally so excited for my meals today. And I know they will fuel me for my day, tonight’s barre fusion class (and maybe a run…still debating that one as we speak) and will even give me a little mental boost as well.

Beets, walnuts, goat cheese, tons of greens - pure lunch deliciousness!
Warm Lentil Salad over greens (adapted from Heather/Where's the Beach), with quinoa and butternut squash and a dash of goat cheese. Absolutely one of the best things I've eaten in awhile!!

So that’s my ramble for this fine Wednesday (though I swear it should be Thursday by now!)…good eats make me happy. Who knew?!


31 thoughts on “Embracing – and loving – wholesome foods, like whoa.

  1. I LOVE this!! I was just talking to someone about how important it is to focus on eating real, wholesome, fueling and DELICIOUS foods everyday. Including cookies. Yes, I said cookies. My thing is — if you want a cookie one day? Have one – but make it fresh. With real butter. Real sugar. Real chocolate chips. Savor every bite. It’s not stuffed with preservatives or fake crap. It’s real, it’s whole, it’s tasty. And sure, it can be fueling too. Not for everyday eats but now and then? Totally awesome and worth it.

    I LOVE food and will talk anyone’s ear off about it as much as I can. People probably think it’s weird that I love food as much as I do but guess what? I don’t care. I heart foooood. 🙂

    And now, back to my meal planning for the day…what’s a good pairing for an afternoon snack of sliced oranges? I’m looking for some protein or something to pair with it. Hmm. Wheels are spinning…

    1. Amen, honey! I agree with you on the REAL stuff too. Only perimeter grocery store shopping for me… unless I can hit the Farmer’s Market! And even when we buy meat, what little we do, I buy it at a local butcher because it’s even fresher!

      Love these posts!

    2. It TOTALLY makes a difference to eat foods that are good and full of flavor and fresh. NOTHING better as far as I am concerned 😉 I would talk about food all day if I could. Well, I kinda do…and what did you decide with your orange? 😉

      1. Ohhh I looooove farmer’s markets! And T – I tend to buy from the local butcher a lot more often these days too, WAY better quality. Yummy.

        I ended up with yogurt for a snack, decided I wasn’t feelin’ the orange afterall. Like that little play-by-play of my eats for today?? hehe

  2. It’s not something that you’d think would happen, but I’ve gone through the same thing. Since I started eating more organic, whole foods, I feel better, I have more energy, and I’m not even interested in a lot of the processed stuff anymore. It just doesn’t taste that good. You should read Michael Pollan’s “In Defense of Food,” a great book that makes the revolutionary argument that we should… eat food! (Not processed stuff.) It will make you feel ever better about your dietary choices.

    So yay for your ridiculous excitement at eating real food!

    1. You’re right, it doesn’t taste as good. At all. Definitely not satisfying like you’d think! Thanks for stopping in my friend!

  3. About that feeling like it should be Thursday thing…me too! Maybe we’re rushing to get to Saturday?!

    I am reading this as I eat my lunch – brown rice, diced tomatoes/peppers/green onions, black beans, and salsa. Perfectly delicious, perfectly filling. And I’ll feel great about it!

    Gotta love the wholesome real foods!

  4. Love this. I did not make my usual trip to the grocery store this week and I am hating life! I tried to search my pantry for some inspiration last night, but nothing. My body has gotten so used to fresh, whole foods that it literally rejects the notion of anything from a box or prepackaged. (And when I do eat it, I never feel nourished!) I say spend the extra money on good, healthy food. Your health is the most important investment you can make!

    1. That happened to me a few weeks ago and I felt the same way! Hating life – LOL – climbing the walls trying to find SOMETHING to put together. I ended up with a chickpea potato curry stew that came out really good. Who knew?! Health is the most important investment, I agree!

  5. I just pinned you on Pinterest. 🙂

    Love this. I’m trying to add more things into my diet eventually because I also want buy in from my daughters. We love our fish meals one day a week. I hope to add more fish to our diets. We already don’t eat much meat. We’re always trying new vegetable ideas because I didn’t grow up eating vegetables at all. It’s fun to learn new things with them. I hope they’ll grow into healthy eaters too!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. You pinned ME?! Seriously? I didn’t see it yet, which thing?? That is soooo cool 😉 LOVE fish. And I NEVER used to make it before, thought it was too hard. Um, no, it’s probably the easiest thing TO make! I bet they will be healthy, just like their mama!

  6. ok i need to find out what you’re putting in your oatmeal. please do a post on this with the exact steps and recipe. i’ve been eating one whole egg, one egg white, and a half cup of non-salted black beans for breakfast for like 3 weeks straight and i’m over it. today i had a slice of bread with a teaspoon of butter, two slices of bacon and one egg and egg white. it was delicious. but i’m getting sick of eggs.
    i’m thinking i could switch to oatmeal…

    1. YES! You will love this oatmeal. Let me know what you think of it (emailed). I can’t eat eggs every day either, I get sick of them really fast but not oatmeal!!!

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